Sustainability at SSNB

SBI Sumishin Net Bank is committed to support UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Since the foundation in 2007, our business strategy is to serve stakeholders and a diverse society with financial services leveraged by cutting-edge technology, based on our principle to create a more comfortable and convenient society.
We believe that offering convenient and contactless financial services in context with digital transformation leads to the development of a sustainable society, such as reduction of environmental burden on the planet. We will continue to pursue Creating Shared Values (CSV).

Sustainability Promotion System
Our group considers environmental and social issues as important management matters. To promote activities related to sustainability, we have established the "Sustainability Committee" as an advisory body to the management meeting, which is held quarterly. In the "Sustainability Committee," we discuss activity policies and management strategies for social and environmental issues, and reflect them in the activity plans of each department. The Board of Directors receives reports on the discussions and reports from the committee, and works to promote sustainability management while confirming progress and issues.
Materialities of the SBI Sumishin Net Bank Group
We have identified three innovation materialities that lead to the creation of social value and three social responsibility/management foundation materialities that support the improvement of corporate value and have an impact on the core of value creation as materialities for our Group.
We will work to address these materialities through our business operations, and contribute to improving corporate value and creating a sustainable society.
Materialities | Summary of Materiality | |
Innovation materialities |
Further improvement of financial accessibility |
Building and providing a tech platform |
Promoting industrial innovation to solve social issues |
Social responsibility/ management foundation materialities |
Responding to climate change and contributing to the reduction of environmental impacts |
Strengthening and securing human capital |
Strengthening our management foundation and governance |
A Business Model for Improve Corporate Value